Female Pattern Hair Loss (FPHL)

Similar to MPHL, but in women, Female Pattern Hair Loss (FPHL) causes a gradual thinning primarily at the crown, while the hairline usually remains intact. Hormones are a significant factor in FPHL.

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The feature of women’s patterned hair loss is the progressive miniaturization of the hair shafts on the vertex area of the scalp with an increase in the size of the area of separation. Regarding things that happen to the hairline there are some which are peculiar to women and thus whatever that happens to the hairline of a woman maybe something she will never experience such as a hair line that is receding backward. This condition can cause anxiety and being easily stressed about the first psychotic symptoms and being self-conscious about early thinning or baldness.


FPHL is mainly brought about by the genetic and hormonal balance with most effects being noticed during the menopausal period. The other causes are medical issues such as PCOS, stress, and poor diet. Some drugs can also cause the hair to thin in women also.


The main treatment for FPHL include topical minoxidil, which stimulates hair growth and increases circulation to the scalp. This treatment could be advisable to women who have fluctuating hormonal levels. It also helps to take various auxiliary remedies and hair products that are intended for people with hair loss.

Tips from our experts

For treatment of FPHL, our board of experts advise our clients to take a change of diet and incorporate foods with vitamins and minerals to grow hair. Thus, it is recommended not to pull one’s hair tightly, braid or curl them and comb wet hair. A healthcare professional should be consulted and the reasons and treatment options looked for.