Telogen Effluvium

Telogen Effluvium is a temporary hair loss condition often triggered by stress, childbirth, surgery, or significant weight loss. It typically involves increased shedding but usually resolves on its own within a few months.

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Telogen effluvium however is remembered to feature marked hair loss which may occur several months after the cause. While washing or styling, lots of people may have to shave more than once, which causes them to have less hair on their heads. This condition is typically a cause of concern but most of the time is temporary.


It should be noted that the main sign of telogen effluvium can be caused by severe stress, hormonal changes, illness, or even nutritional deficiencies. Others may include higher stressful life experiences, any form of surgery, or a drastic change of diet. The condition happens due to the interference with the hair growing phase leading to early breakage of hair.


There is no cure for telogen effluvium, however, special attention is paid to the removal of the root cause of the hair loss like stress, improved diet, etc. Often hair grows back on its own when the cause has been eliminated. Combined with proper nutrition and gentle treatment to the hair, one can get better soon.

Tips from our experts

From the case findings of the hair specialists, preventive steps over the issue that causes telogen effluvium include engaging in yoga or meditation for stress management. Adequate food intake especially rich in vitamins can be recommended for the improvement of hair health. They should also seek a Physician who will examine their state and see the level of recovery and other conditions they have to face.